Justi Morse

 Justi Morse has lived in Dublin for 15 years and has been volunteering within the Dublin City Schools district for most of those years. She began volunteering in her sons’ classrooms a few days a week and also as Room Parent. Justi enjoyed the culture and family environment at Chapman Elementary School so much, she decided to expand her service. She served as PTO Secretary, Vice President and President at Chapman. She also has been the Committee Lead for the Academic Boosters at Davis Middle School. Through her volunteer service, Justi has been witness to the amazing educators and supporting staff within our great District. She believes in giving back to the community and schools that are providing her children with the best education has to offer.

 As her years of PTO work were slowing down, she decided to move into serving more of the Dublin community. She joined the Dublin Education Foundation in 2017. She started as a Board member, and quickly moved onto the Executive Board as the Board Secretary. She believes strongly in the good work the DEF does for Dublin educators and their students.

 Justi is a graduate of the University of California, Riverside where she received her BS in Sociology, with a Minor in Law. She spent several years as a Legal Assistant before deciding to stay home to care for her children. Justi loves to read, cook and spend time with her family and best friends. She lives in Dublin with her husband Sean, her sons Jacob and Lucas and her two dogs. Justi recently began work as the Building Secretary at the school where her love of Dublin began – Chapman Elementary School.